Posted on December 08, 2023 in DUI
In Illinois, you will be convicted for driving under the influence (DUI) if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08g/dL or higher through chemical testing or if you refuse testing. You can be convicted for a DUI if your BAC is between 0.05 g/dL and 0.08 g/dL if you are showing signs of impairment. The revocation of your driving privileges will happen through the Secretary of State, in what is known as statutory summary suspension.
If you are convicted of a DUI, you will have your license revoked for one year. However, you may qualify to get a Restricted Driving Permit if you meet certain criteria. An RDP will allow you to still drive to work following your DUI.
If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI, you need the assistance of an Arlington Heights DUI defense lawyer to represent your interests in court.
A restricted driving permit, or RDP, allows a person to drive on a limited basis following a license suspension. The individual will be given a permit, which will specify under what parameters he or she can drive.
The following criteria will be required for a defendant to receive an RDP:
Normally, with an RDP, you are only allowed to drive to and from work. Given your situation, there may be exceptions allowing you to transport your children to school and to medical appointments. The point is not to go joyriding, but to permit you to fulfill essential duties.
If a person has two or more alcohol-related incidents on his or her driving record, then it will be required that the person have a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) installed in his or her vehicle.
A BAIID tests a driver’s blood alcohol level by having the individual breathe into the device in order to start the vehicle. The BAIID will be required in order for the RDP to be issued if the person is a repeat offender. A BAIID also has a camera installed to ensure that nobody is taking the breathalyzer test in your place.
Nobody wants to have their freedom stripped away. A Rolling Meadows DUI defense lawyer will be able to build the strongest defense to help you avoid a DUI conviction.
If you have been charged with a DUI, you need representation that you can trust. A Rolling Meadows, IL, DUI defense lawyer is here to represent your needs and possibly get your charges reduced. Contact Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law today online or by calling 847-253-3400 to schedule your free consultation.
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