
Fulfilling Your Court-Ordered Community Service Requirements

 Posted on May 11, 2017 in Criminal Law

Illinois criminal defense lawyerCommunity service can serve as a viable alternative to more serious criminal consequences. However, one must be willing to meet all the requirements of their community service conditions. Failure to do so can invalidate the agreement and may ultimately result in a default on your charges. Learn more about fulfilling your community service requirements, and what you can do if you experience any troubles along the way.

Where to Complete Your Community Service

Valid community service hours can only be completed at non-profit organizations. Further, the organization must be willing to accept you as a volunteer; this can often be the most challenging and frustrating aspect of completing your community service requirements. Not every location will have an opening, some have set limits on the number of hours that they accept volunteers, and there may be additional restrictions on where you can volunteer. A few places to look might include:

  • Local libraries,
  • Fire stations,
  • Food banks,
  • Animal shelters,
  • Senior centers,
  • The YMCA, and
  • Youth centers.

Serving the Community or Community Serving You?

Although it can be easy to see yourself as the one who deserves gratitude for your time, it is important to remember that the community is serving you. As such, it is important to be respectful of the environment, to dress appropriately, and to behave in a professional manner. Be kind and helpful and do not give your chosen organization any reason to deny you return.

Making the Most of Your Time

Community service is often what you make of it. Rather than see it as a burden, you could use your time as an opportunity for growth. Consider different aspects of the job you are doing; is it something you might like to pursue? Have you met someone that has sparked an interest in a new career path? Is there something you have found a new interest in?

When You Face Challenges

Transportation issues, difficulty finding a volunteer opportunity, and other potential setbacks can get in the way of completing your community service. In these situations, it is important to talk to your case manager or probation officer. If you continue to experience problems and are at risk for consequences, reach out and speak with your criminal defense lawyer.

Is Community Service Right for You?

While community service can be a viable alternative to more serious consequences, it is not the right option for everyone. Before you take a deal, contact Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law. Our seasoned Arlington Heights criminal defense lawyer can examine your situations and help you understand your options. Schedule your consultation by calling 847-253-3400 today.


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