
Do I Need an Attorney For a Traffic Violation?

 Posted on February 13, 2025 in Traffic Violations

IL defense lawyerSometimes, getting a traffic ticket is just an annoyance. If you have never had a ticket before, or it has been a very long time since the last time you were ticketed, you might not need to be too concerned about a simple speeding ticket or cell phone use violation. However, if you have had several tickets in the past five years, your driving privileges might be at risk. Too many violations can lead to a loss of license and increased insurance premiums when you can start driving again. More costly violations, such as speeding in a school zone, might also be worth fighting back against with the help of an Arlington Heights, IL traffic violations attorney. An attorney can help you understand what impact your ticket might have and whether contesting the ticket is best for you.

Repeated Traffic Violations and Your Driver’s License 

Like many states, Illinois assigns points to your driver’s license each time you are cited. More points are assessed for more serious traffic offenses. For example, a ticket for running a red light would result in more points on your license than a ticket for a nonworking headlight. If you get too many points, your license can be suspended. If you have two or more tickets from the last five years, you may be very close to reaching that limit and losing your driver's license.

If your ticket is dismissed, no points will be assessed from this ticket. Fighting back can protect your driving privileges.

Traffic Tickets and CDLs

If you have a CDL or another specialized license you need to drive professionally, traffic tickets can jeopardize your career. If you were driving a semi-truck, bus, limousine, or other work vehicle when you were pulled over, you will need to consider how your employer will react to your ticket. Contesting the ticket may help immensely.

The points assessed based on a traffic violation also work differently for CDL holders. CDL holders are held to a higher standard than most drivers. Even traffic tickets issued when you are not working could impact your professional license.

Heightened Penalty Traffic Offenses

The penalties associated with a traffic ticket are greater under some circumstances. If you were ticketed in a school zone or construction zone, your ticket may be far more costly than a ticket issued on a normal roadway. These heightened penalties are meant to encourage people to drive safely when workers or children might be present on or near the roadways. If you received one of these tickets, contesting the ticket and having it dismissed may be far more cost-effective than paying the ticket.

Contact an Arlington Heights, IL Traffic Violations Lawyer

Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law is experienced in contesting traffic violations. Experienced DuPage County, IL traffic tickets attorney Scott Anderson will do all he can to have your ticket dismissed. Contact us at 847-253-3400 for a complimentary consultation.

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