
Felony Domestic Violence in Illinois

 Posted on February 27, 2024 in Domestic Violence & Orders of Protection

IL defense lawyerDomestic violence charges are bad enough in their misdemeanor form. This particular offense carries a lot of stigma. Felony domestic violence is a far more serious charge. Not only will people convicted of this crime have to deal with being thought of as a “wife-beater,” they will also have to live the rest of their lives as felons. Domestic battery can be charged as a felony for several different reasons. Repeat offenses are one of the more common reasons people face felony charges for what would otherwise be considered simple domestic batteries. However, more serious forms of violence, such as those involving the use of a weapon, can also result in felony charges. If you are facing felony charges after a physical dispute with a family member, household member, or current or former romantic partner, it is very important to be represented by a skilled Arlington Heights, IL, felony domestic violence attorney.

When is Domestic Battery a Felony? 

Even a very minor physical aggression can result in felony charges in some cases. Reasons your domestic violence case might have led to felony charges include:

  • Prior convictions - If you have already been convicted of a domestic battery or aggravated domestic battery, you can be charged with a felony. You could also be charged with a felony if you have been convicted of violating a protection order, even if the violation was non-violent in nature, such as making contact with the protected party by sending a text message. Felony domestic violence charges based on prior convictions do not need to involve serious assaults or be against the same victim. If you had a conviction last year for shoving a romantic partner and are charged this year with slapping a roommate, the current charge can be a felony. 
  • Serious forms of violence - Aggravated domestic battery occurs when the victim is seriously injured. Great bodily harm, permanent disability, or disfigurement all fall under this category. Strangling the victim is automatically considered aggravated battery, even if no real harm resulted. Using a weapon - or using an object that is not normally seen as a weapon as a weapon - can be treated as a felony domestic battery. 

You may also face additional penalties if a child was present to witness the battery. Children can suffer serious psychological harm after seeing a parent or family member get attacked.

Contact an Arlington Heights, IL, Felony Domestic Battery Lawyer 

Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law is experienced in working with people facing felony charges for domestic violence. Scott Anderson, a skilled Cook County, IL, felony domestic violence attorney, will carefully assess the situation and create the strongest defense possible. Contact us at 847-253-3400 for a complimentary consultation.

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