Posted on July 09, 2014 in Criminal Law
Summertime allows people to head outside and enjoy the weather, as well as all the free activities offered in Chicago and the surrounding areas. Drunk driving may seem like a problem more endemic to crime-ridden urban centers, but according to the Chicago Tribune, this summer season all police eyes are on the suburbs. Naperville’s arrest record for DUIs was the second highest number of drunk driving arrests outside of the City of Chicago in the state of Illinois, reports the Tribune. Police do not expect this to change any time soon, and will adjust their patrolling accordingly in such suburban areas, especially over holiday weekends like the one that just passed.
Rockford, Illinois has long topped the Illinois state list for drunk driving arrests in Chicago suburbs, with 556 DUI arrests in 2013. Naperville, according to the Tribune, recorded 553 DUI arrests in the same time period.
In an effort to curb drunk driving in Naperville, police chief Bob Marshall told the Tribune that local forces were trying a two-pronged approach: arresting those driving impaired and also attempting to prevent drunk driving with initiatives at local bars and restaurants. Marshall also told the Tribune that the squad car cameras recently installed in Naperville police cars would "help the city prosecute DUI cases."
Though drunk driving is still a serious problem in the Chicago area, these types of initiatives seem to be working. There were 3,395 DUI arrests in Chicago last year, representing a 10.5 percent annual decline. The number of arrests actually rose, so the proportionate drop was not part of a large trend, but a stand-alone statistic. The number does not represent convictions, however. The number of arrests was generally consistent with ratio of town population.
Other safety-related initiatives are also underway across the country to help thwart drunk driving as well, as noted in another Chicago Tribune article. One such invention is an onboard application, similar to a breathalyzer, that would not allow a drunk person to start a car. The technology, known as a Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADDS) "uses sensors in the cabin to measure blood-alcohol content by breath or touch to ensure a driver" is below the legal blood alcohol content level, before he is able to start the ignition.
If you or someone you know has been charged with drunk driving in Chicago, the most important first step is to seek the counsel of an attorney. Contact Scott F. Anderson Attorney at Law today.
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