
Can the Police Search Your Car During a DUI Arrest?

 Posted on October 22,2024 in DUI

Arlington Heights, DUI Defense LawyerIf you are pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) in Illinois, you may be wondering whether the police have the right to search your car. Understanding your rights during a DUI arrest is important, especially when it comes to vehicle searches. Having the best Illinois criminal defense attorney on your side is essential for getting the best outcome, and the Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law is here to help.

DUI Penalties in Illinois

Driving under the influence is a serious offense in Illinois, with strict penalties for those convicted. A first-time DUI conviction can result in:

  • A suspended driver’s license for up to one year

  • Fines up to $2,500

  • Up to 365 days in jail

  • Court-ordered community service

Penalties increase with subsequent DUI offenses, with second and third offenses carrying longer license suspensions, higher fines, mandatory jail time, and potentially longer-term impacts on your criminal record. While the consequences for DUI are harsh, it is important to note that other legal problems can come up during the arrest, including a vehicle search and any evidence police find in a car.

When Can Police Search Your Car During a DUI Arrest?

In most DUI arrests, police have a legal right to search your vehicle under certain circumstances. There are several ways law enforcement officers can legally search your car during a DUI stop:

Search Incident to Arrest

If you are arrested for a DUI, police can conduct a limited search of your vehicle to check for evidence related to the offense. This is known as a "search incident to arrest." In a DUI situation, this might involve checking for open containers of alcohol, drugs, or anything else that could support the DUI charge.

Probable Cause

Police can also search your car if they have probable cause to believe there is evidence of illegal activity. For example, if the officer smells marijuana or sees drug paraphernalia in plain view, they can search the entire vehicle for additional evidence.


If you give the police permission to search your vehicle, they can do so without needing probable cause or a warrant. However, you are not required to give consent, and it is within your rights to politely refuse.

Inventory Search

If your car is impounded after a DUI arrest, police may conduct an inventory search to log the contents of the vehicle. This search is intended to protect your belongings and protect the police from false claims, but it can also uncover illegal items that could lead to additional charges.

What if the Search Turns Up Other Evidence?

Even if you are not convicted of DUI, the results of a legal car search can lead to additional criminal charges. For example, if the police find drugs, illegal weapons, or stolen property during the search, you can be prosecuted for those offenses regardless of the outcome of your DUI case. This means that a DUI stop could potentially lead to more serious criminal charges, even if you are not found guilty of driving under the influence.

Protecting Your Rights After a DUI Arrest

If you are arrested for DUI and the police conduct a search of your vehicle, it is crucial to understand your legal rights. An experienced criminal defense attorney can evaluate whether the search was conducted legally and challenge any evidence obtained through unlawful searches. In some cases, evidence found during an illegal search can be excluded, which may strengthen your defense against both DUI and any additional charges.

Contact an Arlington Heights, IL DUI Attorney for a Free Consultation

If you are facing DUI charges or additional criminal charges from having your car searched, our Rolling Meadows, IL DUI defense attorney with the Scott F. Anderson, Attorney at Law can help. With extensive experience in criminal defense, we will fight to protect your rights and work to get the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today at 847-253-3400 to schedule a free consultation and talk about your options.

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