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How Can an Order of Protection Issued Against Me Affect My Life?

 Posted on May 05,2020 in Domestic Violence & Orders of Protection

Arlington Heights order of protection defense attorney

Domestic violence is something that is taken very seriously in today’s world. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, more than 12 million people are victims of domestic violence each year. Being accused of domestic abuse can have a serious impact on your life. Under Illinois law, there are a number of solutions offered to family violence victims so that they can remain safe from harm. If you have been accused of domestic violence, and an order of protection (also known as a restraining order) has been issued against you, it is important to understand how what you can and cannot do, and you should be aware of the possible consequences for violating this type of order. In some cases, a restraining order may be based on false allegations. Regardless of the circumstances of your case, an experienced criminal defense attorney can advocate on your behalf to clear your record and your reputation. 

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What Are the Consequences for Common Underage Alcohol-Related Crimes?

 Posted on April 28,2020 in Criminal Law

Rolling Meadows, IL DUI defense attorney

Alcohol is a common source of trouble for teens. Underage drinking is fairly typical in the United States, but it can result in significant criminal charges and even life-threatening problems. For young adults, unintentional injuries are the most common cause of death, with the majority of those injuries related to car accidents. When you add alcohol use into the mix, the likelihood of a vehicle crash is even higher. This is why the laws pertaining to underage drinking and alcohol possession are so strict and carry such serious consequences. Teens and underage young adults can face severe punishments for violating certain alcohol-related offenses, including driving under the influence (DUI). 

Underage Drinking

You must be 21 or older to legally purchase or consume alcohol in the United States. If you are under the age of 21, you are not permitted to consume alcohol, or you could be charged with underage drinking. If you are convicted of underage drinking, you face a six-month driver's license suspension, unless you were sentenced to court supervision, in which case you face a three-month driver’s license suspension. A second conviction may result in a one-year suspension, and further convictions can result in a revocation.

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3 Reasons to Hire an Illinois Criminal Defense Attorney for Your Case

 Posted on April 20,2020 in Criminal Law

Rolling Meadows, IL criminal defense attorney

If you have ever experienced a brush with the law or been arrested, it is likely you have spoken with a criminal defense attorney in your lifetime. These lawyers are arguably one of the most important people involved in any case. The right to a defense is so important to the American way of life that it was even included in the United States Constitution. The law states that any person accused of a crime will be assigned an attorney if he or she cannot afford one. Although you are not technically required to have legal representation when you face criminal charges, having an attorney by your side can dramatically increase the chances that your case will result in a favorable ending.

Why Seeking Legal Representation Is Important

The legal principle that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty is an inherent right to every U.S. citizen. However, it is essential to have legal counsel to protect your rights in a courtroom for the following reasons:

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What Are the Penalties for Driving on a Suspended License in Illinois?

 Posted on April 14,2020 in Traffic Violations

Arlington Heights, IL suspended license defense attorney

For most Americans, having the ability to drive is a necessity, rather than a privilege. Even doing normal, everyday things such as taking children to school or running to the grocery store involves driving. Illinois laws provide for multiple reasons as to why a person could lose their driving privileges. Some violations are unrelated to driving, such as failing to pay child support or appear in court, while most deal with some sort of driving-related infraction. For the most part, the most common way people lose their driving privileges is by being arrested or convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol. That is why it is crucial to fully understand the consequences of these types of crimes in order to avoid further punishments.

Losing Your Driving Privileges

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3 Common Mistakes To Avoid During a DUI Traffic Stop in Illinois

 Posted on April 06,2020 in DUI

Arlington Heights, IL drunk driving defense attorney

If you are a driver, there is a good chance you will be pulled over by law enforcement for some reason during your lifetime. If you have ever been stopped by the police, you know the feelings of anxiety and fear that can manifest because of those flashing red and blue lights. Being pulled over because an officer suspects you are driving under the influence (DUI) is even more serious. DUI offenses are not taken lightly in the state of Illinois, and a conviction for a first offense could result in steep fines, the suspension or revocation of your driver's license, and even jail time. Although the uncertainty of a DUI traffic stop can be very intimidating, what you do after being pulled over can greatly impact your case. Below are a few common mistakes that people make after being pulled over on suspicion of DUI:

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Can I Face Charges for Disobeying Quarantine Orders for Coronavirus?

 Posted on March 24,2020 in Criminal Law

Arlington Heights, IL criminal defense coronavirus quarantine order

Since January, the world has seen an exponential rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. As of March 23, there were nearly 335,000 confirmed cases reported around the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). We still do not know everything that we need to know about COVID-19, a new virus that has emerged from the coronavirus family. What we do know is that most people are recovering from the virus, although individuals who have underlying health conditions or who are over the age of 65 have a higher mortality rate. 

One thing we do know is that COVID-19 is spreading rapidly through person-to-person contact. So far, the only effective way to stop the spread is to practice social distancing if you do not have the virus, quarantine yourself if you believe you may have come into contact with someone who does have the virus, and isolate yourself if you are confirmed to have the virus. In Illinois, if you are given specific quarantine orders, you must obey them, or you risk potential criminal charges.

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What Are the Illinois Laws for Concealed Carry of Firearms?

 Posted on March 16,2020 in Criminal Law

Rolling Meadows, IL gun charges defense attorney

According to the United States Constitution, every American has the right to own a firearm, as per the Second Amendment. Although we have this right, states are allowed to place certain restrictions and limitations on firearm users. This is accomplished by creating laws that apply to the purchase, ownership, and possession of firearms. The state of Illinois is notorious for having rather strict gun laws compared to other states. For example, you are not permitted to openly carry a firearm in the state of Illinois, as all firearms must be concealed from view if you wish to carry them. In addition, if you want to conceal your firearm to carry it in public, you must obtain an Illinois concealed carry license (CCL) to do so. Violations of these laws could result in misdemeanor or felony charges.

Obtaining an Illinois CCL

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Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Case Results in Criminal Conviction

 Posted on March 10,2020 in Sex Crimes

Rolling Meadows, IL sexual assault defense attorney

In 2017, The New York Times published a story detailing accounts of sexual harassment allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. The case has been closely followed for the past three years as numerous charges were brought against Weinstein for various instances of alleged rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. In January of 2020, the trial against Weinstein began in New York, and it came to a close in late February, with the jury delivering a guilty verdict. Those who are familiar with this case may wonder how Illinois’ laws address accusations of sex crimes.

Weinstein Convicted of Criminal Sexual Assault and Rape

After the initial accusations brought against Weinstein by actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan, more women came forth to make claims that they had also suffered sexual assaults by Weinstein. While dozens of women have accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct, he faced two counts of predatory sexual assault, one count of first-degree rape, one count of third-degree rape, and one count of a criminal sexual act in the first degree. After five days of deliberation, Weinstein was convicted of third-degree rape and a criminal sexual act in the first degree. He was subsequently sentenced to 23 years in prison.

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How Will Registering as a Sex Offender Affect My Life?

 Posted on March 04,2020 in Sex Crimes

Rolling Meadows, IL sex crimes lawyer

Being convicted of any criminal offense is taken seriously in the state of Illinois. Felonies are the most serious types of crimes, and they come with many stipulations that can impact your life after your conviction. Even if you are convicted of a misdemeanor crime, you will have a criminal record, and you will face a certain stigma from those around you. If you are convicted of an offense that is sexual in nature, the penalties are often even more harsh and unforgiving. If you are found guilty of a sex crime, you can expect your life to be forever changed. Here are a few consequences of a sex crime conviction in Illinois:

  • You will be subject to registration requirements for at least 10 years. The state of Illinois requires those who are convicted of certain sex crimes to register as a sex offender every year for a period of 10 years. If you are deemed to be a “sexually dangerous” or “sexually violent” person, you will have to register every 90 days for the duration of your life. If you are deemed to be a “sexual predator,” you must register once a year for the duration of your life. Registration requires you to disclose your name, address, a current photo, place of employment, and all of your online identities, including usernames and email addresses.

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Expungement Versus Sealing: Which One Is Right For Me?

 Posted on February 25,2020 in Expungement

Arlington Heights criminal defense attorney expungement

If you have been convicted of a crime in Illinois, your life can change in many ways. Even if your offense was a non-violent or minor act, you will still have a criminal record that will appear on background checks. This can make it difficult to secure housing or even obtain employment. Unfortunately, an arrest or a criminal charge can also create a criminal record, even if you were not convicted or charges were not pursued. Because of this, the state of Illinois has created the process of expungement to have your criminal record cleared, essentially giving you a fresh start in the eyes of the law. Another option is sealing a record, which hides it from certain people, although it still exists. Read on to learn more about the difference between these two legal actions. 

Options For Clearing Your Record

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