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Facing Domestic Violence Charges in the State of Illinois – What You Need to Know

 Posted on October 25,2017 in Domestic Violence & Orders of Protection

Illinois domestic battery attorneyIndividuals who are arrested on domestic violence charges often underestimate the impact that a conviction can have on their lives. Sadly, a mistake like this can have lasting and potentially even life-long repercussions. Learn more about the potential consequences of a domestic battery charge, including how it may affect you or your loved one, and discover what an experienced criminal defense attorney can do for you in a domestic battery criminal case.

How It Happens

Domestic battery charges usually stem from an argument that has been reported to the police. Sometimes it is one of the involved parties that calls. Other times, it is a neighbor or a passerby. Either way, law enforcement shows up and evaluates the situation. They typically talk to the involved parties, as well as any potential witnesses to the argument. If anyone appears to be injured, or if there is evidence to suggest that someone has been harmed, law enforcement may attempt to determine fault so they can make an arrest. If you happen to be the one that they believe started the argument, you will need a defense attorney that can fight against the impressions and judgments of the officers – someone who has your best interest in mind.

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Potential Consequences of Methamphetamine Possession in Illinois

 Posted on October 16,2017 in Drug Crimes

Illinois drug possession defense lawyerBeing arrested for the possession of methamphetamines is often a frightening experience, but it is only the first phase of your criminal processing. While you are technically considered innocent until proven guilty, the prosecution may have already taken steps to press charges against you for the crimes you have allegedly committed. Learn what the consequences may be if you are convicted, and discover how an experienced drug charges defense attorney may be able to help you mitigate against them.

Methamphetamine Drug Charges in Illinois

While some crimes may be considered a misdemeanor on the first offense (such as driving while under the influence of alcohol), other crimes are always considered felonies. Methamphetamine drug charges are a prime example because there is no such thing as a misdemeanor methamphetamine possession charge. However, the felony classification and severity of the consequences will usually vary from one case to the next. Much of this is because there are a variety of factors that the courts and prosecution may consider (i.e., amount of drugs that allegedly in possession, number of previous offenses, etc.). Specifically, methamphetamine possession will typically be considered:

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Examining the Potential Consequences of a Felony DUI Charge

 Posted on October 09,2017 in DUI

Arlington Heights DUI defense lawyerFelony DUI charges, otherwise called an aggravated DUI in the state of Illinois, can result in serious and life-long consequences. DUI convictions are also unique in that they may result in the suspension or revocation of the defendant’s Illinois driver’s license. Learn more about the potential consequences of a felony DUI charge, and discover how an experienced DUI criminal defense attorney may be able to improve the outcome if your case.

What Constitutes a Felony DUI?

Most often, felony DUI charges will stem from repeated offenses (three or more). However, there are other situations that may lead to a felony DUI, even on a first offense. Examples include:

  • DUI committed while driving a school bus with child passengers;
  • Second DUI committed with a passenger under the age of 16;

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Getting Your Illinois Driver’s License Back After a DUI Arrest

 Posted on October 04,2017 in Driver's License Reinstatement

Illinois license reinstatement lawyerLosing your Illinois driver’s license after a DUI arrest can be frustrating, infuriating, and inconvenient, all at once. In some cases, it may even place your livelihood at risk. Thankfully, it may be possible for you to reinstate your license – even if only partially. Alternatively, it may be possible to avoid the suspension altogether. Learn more about protecting your Illinois driver’s license after a DUI arrest, and discover how an experienced DUI defense lawyer can help.

Probation and DUI Treatment Programs

Probation and DUI treatment programs can serve as a viable alternative to long-term license suspension for some individuals. It requires that the individual receive an evaluation, attend treatment, and have knowledge of the effect that alcohol can have on the mind and body. Some may also be required to attend support groups, even after their probation or treatment program is complete. Keep in mind that this option is usually only available to first-time offenders and that successful completion of the process is required to avoid conviction.

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Protecting Your CDL After a DUI Arrest

 Posted on September 27,2017 in DUI

Arlington Heights DUI defense lawyerDriving under the influence can place anyone’s livelihood at risk. However, those that have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) are especially at risk – not because the consequences are necessarily more severe, but because others may have a way to work around their DUI. This is not the case for the commercial driver. Learn how you can protect your CDL after a DUI arrest, and discover what an experienced criminal defense attorney can do to help.

BAC Limits for CDL Drivers

While most drivers are held to a maximum BAC of less than 0.08, CDL drivers have an even lower legal limit. They must never reach or exceed a BAC of 0.04, or they risk a disqualification (DQ) of their CDL license. If they are caught driving with a BAC of 0.08 or higher, their state driver’s license may also be at risk for suspension. Drivers may also be subject to felony criminal charges if there are certain aggravating factors in their case (i.e. an accident that resulted in significant injury or the death of another driver).

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Fighting an Order of Protection in Illinois

 Posted on September 21,2017 in Domestic Violence & Orders of Protection

Illinois criminal defense lawyerOrders of protection, or restraining orders, may be issued for a variety of reasons. However, they are most typically seen in cases that involve charges of stalking or domestic violence. What can you do if you have been served an order of protection? Is there any way that you can fight back? The following information explains, and it provides some important details on how an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help.

Complying with the Order

While it can be shocking to be served with a restraining order, it is crucial that you comply with the terms to reduce your risk of any further consequence. Do not attempt to contact the petitioner or anyone else that is listed on the order. Stay away from their home, their place of work, and places that they frequent. Essentially, avoid the petitioner and any other named individuals at all costs because your freedom could depend on it.

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When a Simple Traffic Stop Turns into a Drug Charges Case

 Posted on September 13,2017 in Drug Crimes

Illinois drug crimes attorneySometimes, a traffic stop is nothing more than just that, but other times, it can lead to serious trouble. A woman, who was stopped for speeding in Illinois and is now facing drug charges, serves as a prime example. Learn more about how this case (and others) can quickly change into a serious situation, and discover how an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help if you or someone you love ends up in a similar situation.

Drug Dog Caught Scent During Traffic Stop

News sources indicate that the officers had originally stopped the woman for speeding, but a drug dog picked up a scent during the process. Her vehicle was then searched. Officers allegedly found methamphetamines, paraphernalia, and packaging materials. She was arrested and detained and is now facing charges for possession of methamphetamines with the intent to deliver, which is a more severe charge than simple possession.

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State Troopers to Target “Fatal Four” Over Labor Day Weekend

 Posted on September 01,2017 in DUI

Illinois DUIdefense attorneyState troopers are expected to put additional units on the road over the Labor Day weekend this year. There will also be more security checkpoints. Emphasis will be placed on the “fatal four” infractions, and many are likely to experience an arrest. Learn what to watch out for, and discover how an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help with your criminal charges case.

The “Fatal Four” Behaviors

As previously mentioned, state troopers are expected to focus on the “fatal four” driving behaviors over Labor Day weekend: distracted driving, not wearing a seatbelt, speeding, and driving under the influence. The final focus – driving while intoxicated – could result in jail time, fines, and a suspension of the driver’s license. Thankfully, there are ways to fight back.

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Automatic License Suspension in Illinois – Are You at Risk?

 Posted on August 31,2017 in Driver's License Reinstatement

Illinois criminal defense lawyerEvery driver knows you must have a valid license to operate a vehicle, so it would seem easy to avoid the consequences of driving on a suspended license. Unfortunately, the law in Illinois allows for automatic license suspensions, which can leave unsuspecting drivers at risk. Learn more about the conditions in which a license may be automatically suspended, and discover how an experienced criminal defense lawyer may be able to help with your situation.

Losing Your Driving Privileges

While many actions that can lead to a suspension of one’s license require previous knowledge of a crime (i.e. DUI, repeated moving violations), there are several situations that can lead to an automatic suspension of your license – possibly without your knowledge. Examples include:

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Collateral Consequences of a Felony Conviction

 Posted on August 25,2017 in Felonies & Misdemeanors

Arlington Heights criminal defense lawyerCriminal convictions are serious matters – especially when they are classified as a felony. They can also result in some pretty concerning criminal consequences, such as prison time, fines, administrative fees, court costs, and attorney fees. However, consequences of a felony conviction typically go well beyond the courts and costs; there are also collateral consequences to consider. Learn more about them, and how an experienced criminal defense lawyer can help you avoid them, in the following sections.

Employment Opportunities

When you have a felony conviction, it remains on your record for all to see – and that includes potential employers. Some may have restrictions on whether you can work with their company, based on a certain type of conviction (i.e. a felony theft conviction could bar you from working with registers or money). You may also be ineligible for government jobs (including the armed forces), as well as any job that requires a special license (teachers, health care, etc.).

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