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New Illinois Law Aims to Cut Down on Wrongful Convictions

 Posted on November 12,2013 in Criminal Law

illinois-wrongful-convictionsWhen you have been caught and accused of a crime, the legal procedure that should follow can quickly take a turn for the worse if the investigators pursue coercive interrogation. A great example of the horror that might unfold is the story of Juan Rivera, who spent 19 years in prison for a rape/murder that he never committed. His story is just one example of the many stories coming out of the term of Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge, who is accused of promoting torturous techniques to force people to confess.

A new law in Illinois is aimed to reduce the number of wrongful convictions that have led to high numbers of exonerations across the state. Known as Illinois SB1006, recordings of interrogations in violent crime cases will help to protect accused individuals. The interrogations in Rivera’s case were not recorded and in his case it was simply his word versus the police officers he was accusing.

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Illinois Lawmakers Consider Stricter Penalties for Boating DUI Offenses

 Posted on November 04,2013 in DUI

illinois-dui-boatingIllinois lawmakers are considering three bills that are aimed at making the state’s waterways safer for recreational boaters. These bills amend boating safety laws that are already in place, and one of the bills under consideration would enforce stricter penalties for boating while under the influence than those currently listed under Illinois criminal law.

Under SB1477, anyone who is convicted of operating a watercraft while under the influence of drugs or alcohol would have their driver’s license suspended for three months. The bill is sponsored by state Senator Julie Morrison, whose 10-year-old nephew was killed after falling of a tube on Petite Lake in northern Illinois. Anthony Borcia was struck by a boat whose operator plead guilty to aggravated driving under the influence after a blood test found alcohol and cocaine in his system.

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Illinois Misdemeanor Charges

 Posted on October 29,2013 in Felonies & Misdemeanors

Most people are aware that being charged with a misdemeanor is a bad thing, but not everyone is aware of what sorts of offenses fall under the category of a misdemeanor, or what the different types of misdemeanors are. In order to be fully aware of your rights and avoid facing legal trouble throughout your life, it is very important that you are informed as to what the different classifications of Illinois misdemeanors are and what kind of consequences they can lead to.

Illinois Misdemeanor Charges "Class A" Misdemeanor

Offenses under this category are generally referred to as the most serious types of misdemeanors. If you are charged with one of these, you could face up to 364 days in jail as well as a fine of up to $2500. It is also true, depending on the offense, that your sentence could include the requirement of things like probation, substance-abuse treatment, or community service work.

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Dangers of Drinking and Driving Underage in Illinois

 Posted on October 22,2013 in DUI

illinois-underage-drinking-and-drivingIllinois has a zero tolerance policy that requires underage drinking and driving to be taken seriously across the state. The zero tolerance policy states that any driver under the age of 21 pulled over with any trace of alcohol in their system will lose driving privileges. Those individuals charged with drinking and driving should get legal advice from a qualified Arlington Heights DUI attorney.

This includes situations where an officer makes an otherwise routine traffic stop to issue a citation and has probable cause to believe that an individual younger than 21 has alcohol in their system. Officers can administer chemical tests to confirm levels of alcohol. If the test outcome determines alcohol in the driver’s system, the police officer or trooper simply submits a sworn statement to the Illinois Secretary of State to have the driver’s license suspended.

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New Law for 2014 Punishes Smokers who Litter

 Posted on October 13,2013 in Criminal Law

imsis520-024Each year, new laws are put in place to change certain behaviors and make the state of Illinois a better place to live.  Former State Representative and current Chicago alderman, Deb Mell, sponsored a bill that will try to keep the streets of Illinois clean.

Cigarette butts are a constant problem on the streets of Illinois.  Lori Gummow, the executive director of Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful, said that "cigarette butts are not biodegradable.  They’re made of cellulose acetate (a plastic). They get stuck in storm water sewers, and birds eat them and can’t digest them."  They might be small but they never go away.

Starting in 2014, cigarettes butts will be classified as litter thanks to an amendment to the Litter Control Act.  While the amendment was passed in August, the law itself won’t be policed until the beginning of 2014.

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Tougher Penalties for Using Cell Phones while Driving

 Posted on October 06,2013 in Criminal Law

cell phone and drivingIn August of this year, Governor Quinn passed a law to strengthen the ban against using cell phones while driving.  The hope was that a updated law would help curb the commonplace occurrence of people talking while driving.  Before this law was strengthened, it was already a law in downtown Chicago and 70 other communities in Illinois.

The update made a first time offense cost $75 if you are caught driving with a cell phone on your ear.  Each additional offense would result in an increased fine of as much as $150.  But the upgraded law makes using a cell phone a moving violation.  If you receive more than three in a year, you could lose your license.

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Woman Faces Fourth DUI Charge in Three Years

 Posted on September 28,2013 in DUI

A 20-year old East Alton woman who was arrested on DUI charges for the fourth time in three years faces a felony charge of aggravated driving under the influence.

KerryAccording to a report in the Herald Review, police responded to a car crash in Godfrey late Friday night. They found a wrecked car, which had left the road and hit a utility pole, but no driver. Police determined that Patsy Runyon was the driver of the vehicle and that she had fled the scene of the accident on foot.

They found Runyon shortly after responding to the scene and determined she was under the influence of alcohol. She was transported to an area hospital for a medical evaluation and cleared of any injuries. She also submitted to blood-alcohol testing. Runyon was then transferred to the Madison County Jail in Edwardsville, where she was held on $50,000 bond.

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Study Finds Chicago Heroin Problem Worst in Country

 Posted on September 20,2013 in Criminal Law

A recent study at Roosevelt University concluded that Chicago has the worst heroin problem in the country. The study revealed that heroin use among those 20-years-old and younger is increasing and spreading from the inner city into Chicago’s neighborhoods and suburbs. According to Chicago Police records from January to August, 3,469 people have been arrested for heroin possession.

 KerryStatistics show that although heroin-related deaths have decreased in Chicago, there has been a 200 percent spike in deaths in the suburbs. In DuPage County alone, since 2008, there has been a 48 percent increase. Cook County reports one to two heroin deaths per day.

Experts from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) say that this increase in use among young people is alarming and indicates a trend of using heroin as a recreational drug – an extremely dangerous behavior given heroin’s highly addictive qualities. The typical mode of introduction to the drug is either by snorting or smoking it.

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Popularity of Molly Leads to Crackdown

 Posted on September 12,2013 in Criminal Law

According to CBS Local Chicago, Molly, or MDMA, has recently been gaining traction in the party scene across the country, and has recently seen a surge in popularity in major U.S. cities. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent in Charge Jack Riley told CBS Local that Molly, a derivative of MDMA, is the old date rape drug that was extremely popular during the 1990s. "The resurgence of Molly is a much more pure form of MDMA," Riley told CBS, "and it’s really gained a foothold in the younger crowd based off the electrical tech music," he said. The drug is seeing an uptick in usage not just in Chicago and major U.S. cities, but all across the Midwest as well.  Popularity of Molly Leads to Crackdown IMAGE

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Clearing Your Name: Expungement and Sealing Your Records

 Posted on September 05,2013 in Expungement

Expunging your record means the physical records of your criminal history will be destroyed or returned to you and that your name will be removed from any official index or database.

Sealing your record means records will be physically and electronically maintained, but they will be unavailable to the public without a court order.  Your name will be removed from any official index or public record; however, law enforcement agencies and the courts will still have access to the records, as will a few employers and other entities allowed by law.

Charlie expunge

Whether you can get your record expunged or sealed is dependent upon your entire criminal record. Only those individuals who have never been convicted of a criminal offense or municipal ordinance violation are eligible to expunge records. If you have been convicted of a criminal offense or a municipal ordinance violation, your record may still be eligible for sealing, but you cannot expunge any records, regardless of the outcome of the individual case.

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